Messing with Starbucks orders

Posted by | April 11, 2006 | diary | No Comments

Apparently Starbucks is suing because someone is using their trademark ‘double shot’.

From now on I will refuse to use Starbucks trademarked terminology when ordering coffee just to mess with them (I could always just not buy Starbucks coffee, but that would be adult and mature and inconvenient):

I will ask for Small, Medium or Large instead of the stupid: Tall; Grande; Venti, Party Bucket and Swimming Pool or whatever.

I will ask for Skimmed milk in California and Non- Fat milk in New York (this apparently seems to confuse them).

I will remind them I wasn’t invited every time I am referred to as a “guest”.

When asked for my name, it will be: “freecoffeeforeveryone” or “Hugh Janus” or something equally hilarious.

And I will ask for a “doubleshoto (sic) expresso” from now on.

I’m sure Starbucks are trembling at the thought, but its probably just too much coffee.