Did Russians use a weblog to aid Iraqis?

Posted by | April 22, 2003 | globalization | No Comments

Here’s one for Dan Gillmor’s book:

Knight Ridder Newspapers military correspondent Joseph L. Galloway claims that two senior US officials claimed that Iraqwar.ru weblog featured genuine Russian Intelligence reports posted by the GRU (the KGB replacement).

“It’s quite a notion: Russian spooks blogging concrete advice to Iraq. It’s a notion that Strafor’s Matthew Baker termed ‘nonsense.’ He said, ‘A website is not the way to get information to the Iraqis; a phone or radio is better.'”

“Baker sees it, rather, as an expression of an internecine struggle among various Russian military and espionage interests wrestling over whether to align more closely with the U.S. or seek a counterweight axis with Germany and France. He said, ‘They’re not putting it up for amusement or profit, but for reasons to do with Russian politics.'”

DID RUSSIANS USE BLOG TO AID IRAQIS? by Daniel Forbes in Progressive Review