Bush has gone soft

Posted by | February 26, 2003 | politics | No Comments

Johnathon Freedland quotes Robert Kagan in the Guardian.

“Europeans have grown soft and idealistic (and feminine) while the Yanks remain tough, booted and aware (like real men) of how brutal a place the world can be.”

I instinctively like American no-bullshit attitudes, but Bush is hardly tough, he’s a little rich kid. Come on, look at the government of thugs that Sharon is putting together and the Bush administration is too timid to say anything, an insult to moderate Israelis.

“Right-wing firebrand Tzahi Hanegbi was named internal security minister. In 1980, Hanegbi received a six-month suspended sentence for leading a chain-wielding attack on Arab students at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, where he was student union chairman. Hanegbi has since expressed regret.”

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