Examine the numbers and the reality of the current Senate standoff looks quite different from the spin.

Posted by | May 18, 2005 | politics | No Comments

The spin:
On the face of it, it looks like it is the Democrats that are being stubborn by threatening to filibuster judicial nominees.

The reality:
The numbers show something different, the Senate agreed to approve all but 1.5% of judicial nominees, and the Republicans are threatening to change one of the fundamental checks and balances on government to have things 100% instead of 98.5% their own way.

“Since Bush took office, he has made 218 judicial nominations and the Senate has confirmed 208 of them. Ten, including Owen, failed to win confirmation because of Democratic filibusters. Seven of those 10 were renominated at the start of this year. Of those seven, Democrats have indicated that they would be willing to confirm as many as four to avoid the showdown.”

Neither side blinks as Senate starts debate on judicial nominees