Michael Moore is rarely panned in Canada

Posted by | October 31, 2002 | politics | No Comments

Glenn Reynolds posts that Michael Moore is Panned in Canada:

“His journalism, in short, on the subject of Canada and Canadians, is nothing short of shoddy, manipulative and untrue. The same can be said for his journalism on his own country, and indeed on the terrible and complicated issue he purports to adjudicate.”

More accurately this should read Michael Moore gets panned by one newspaper in Canada, the National Post. – big deal.

Reading other Canadian newspapers the story is somewhat different:

Toronto Star
“A great documentary challenges social norms and demands reaction, and on that score Moore hits us right between the eyes.”

Edmonton Journal
“Michael Moore remains a welcome voice in the North American conversation, especially considering how stacked the deck has become. Even when he stumbles, he’s worth watching — and he’s standing pretty tall here.”

The Globe and Mail
“Moore’s documentary about gun control in the United States, won the Air Canada People’s Choice Award for most popular film of the Vancouver International Film Festival.”

There was one other negative review I could find, however, the reviewer’s offensive stereotyping of Americans borders on the racist:

The Gazette
“There will be an audience for a big fat proto-American slob who asks questions that are only tough in his own country. Everywhere else, he’s preaching to the converted.
It might only be me, sick to death of a country I love, but Bowling for Columbine feels as mean, ham-fisted and opportunistic as its subject. No one doubts the integrity of Moore’s mission, but I increasingly distrust his methodology.”