MSNBC prickly after sacking Arnett

Posted by | March 31, 2003 | politics | No Comments

On MSNBC (Moronic Simplistic News Befitting Cretins?) at the moment they are on a witchhunt, referring to ’embedded liberal’ Geraldo Rivera, no mention of Arnett of course. Shocked faces as quotes from Edward Said are read out and outrage expressed by Michael ‘Savage’.

Michael is founder of the Paul Revere society. Here is their 9 point charter (comments in parens):

1. Make tax cuts permanent. (This would require permanent GOP government – so scrap democracy?).

2. Close the borders now.
3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
(get rid of ‘foreigners’ they are unpure?)

6. Eliminate as many entitlement programs as possible.
(cleanse the country of poor people?)

Up to here, standard neo-fascist stuff, but this is where it gets weird (and why I will never really understand ultra-right libertarians)

7. Reduce the number of Federal Employees.
(what, like the army?)

8. Oil Drilling on U.S. Soil.
(so no need to go to war with Iraq then?)

9. Tort Reform “STOP LAWYERS”.
(and nobody to prosecute criminals?)
