“Smashing Telly is a hand edited collection of the best free, instantly available TV on the web. Not 30 second clips of a dog on a skateboard, or the millionth person to mime the Numa song, but classic clips and full length programs, with a focus on documentaries and non fiction. Smashing Television, not Gimmick Television”.
“Paul Kedrosky: “I’m particularly fond of SmashingTelly given how it, in effect, Tivo-ifies the web”… Guy Dickinson: “David Galbraith has turned Smashing Telly into well, the new TV.”… Fimoculous: “Best Blogs of 2007″… The Guardian: Video sharing on the net has uncovered a hoard of TV gems…and a number of sites have been established to lead us to them. Take smashingtelly.com.”