Abstinence makes the heart grow colder

Posted by | May 23, 2005 | religion | No Comments

Great account by David Corn of his Fox news confrontation with the Family Research Council, an Unchristian Wrong lobby group: Fighting the Family Research Council in the Religious War.

It includes a tragi-comic description of government funded contraception group that not only believes that sex is dirty but that you can only practice abstinence if you believe in Jesus – otherwise you will, apparently, burn in hell, forever. (Off Fuck and Die?)

The FRC are one of the main lobby groups pushing for no compromise in the 1.5% of judicial nominations that couldn’t get through, thus causing the current constitutional mess.

It is easy to blame the standoff on the executive branch and Jeff blames it on the Senate, but the real problem is that the marginal extremists are throwing such a hissy fit that the government is being bullied by them. Moderate Republicans are being bitch slapped by the Right.

You might reasonably ask what the hell a Brit cares about all this anyway – well, it seems to me that a lot of what I really like about America, principally that it is modern, is really at stake here, just because a minority of people seem to have boundless energy and blinkered vision.

I didn’t move to the States to live like the Amish or the Seventh Day Adventists or the People’s Liberation Front of Judea or the Stepford Wives love Falwell Association.

I like the bright lights and neon and the science, cullture and understanding that made progress possible.