Google Video has been swamped by religious films.

Posted by | December 15, 2005 | religion | No Comments

I find it hard to find decent videos on the open web, so have been drilling through sites like Youtube and Google Video with a view to providing a wists list of good stuff to stream.

Youtube is 99.9% crap and 0.1% memes that have been around for years, or commercials.

Google Video is also mostly crap snippets, but I did manage to find some good programming – stuff on Evolution, and Science and interviews with good people like John Maynard Smith and Steven Pinker.

After searching for practically every architecture, design and science name I know, I kept getting the same content so realized that there is hardly anything in Google video longer than 3 minutes.

When I actually looked at the science stuff, something strange became obvious – a large percentage of it was funded by Intelligent Design groups or religious organizations.

If people are frightened about young people’s minds being corrupted by porn on the Internet, they should also check out what the god squad are pushing.

Perhaps the Internet is for all the things you shouldn’t talk about over dinner, after all – sex, politics and religion.

My google video wist list