If biblical creation is true why fund Nasa?

Posted by | August 04, 2005 | religion | No Comments

Joshua Marshall on how out of step fundamentalist evangelicals are with both a modern society and the vast majority of other religions.

“Most mainstream religious groups have long since made their peace with evolutionary theory. As in, most Protestant denominations, the Catholic Church, Judaism in its Conservative, Reform, and most Orthodox groups.”

And as one of his readers points out, Nasa’s current focus is the search for life:

“The creation vs science question has a major bearing on a rather visible government program:

Isn’t the primary rationale for most of the space program to learn more about the origins of life? Some would say that exploration of Mars and the moons of Saturn will help us shed light on these eternal mysteries. Others would point out that all we need to know can be found in the book that’s available in every hotel room.”

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: July 31, 2005 – August 06, 2005 Archives