I’ll be using my blog to collect notes for a book on atheism

Posted by | December 06, 2004 | religion | No Comments

I am going to be using this blog to collect notes for a book, so postings may sometimes seem a bit random.

The book will be about faith – a defense of atheism and an attack on ideology and blind faith, from religion to secular political doctrine and cults.

This comes at a time when the US has suffered terribly from attacks justified entirely by faith, while at the same time becoming more religious than any other developed nation.

The book will not beat about the bush, I aim to put forward the argument that faith is necessarily bad, something to be tolerated where it is itself tolerant but not to be respected.

The aim is still to write something positive, something that contains not just an argument for science over superstition, but also argues for a richer culture based upon appreciating art without having to literally believe it.