The US isn’t really a theocracy.

Posted by | April 15, 2005 | religion | No Comments

Great post by Ryan at ‘You Know what Part’ that shreds my last post on the US becoming a theocracy. You Know What Part: Religion, politics and my ticket to Hell

Things that Ryan is right about:

1. I did invoke Godwin’s law. Godwin’s law is useful when ranting.

2. The US is not really becoming a theocracy. In actual fact as the Economist pointed out, most people have centrist, moderate beliefs and politics, but the margins are where elections are won.

3. Progressive circles have their fair share of hypocracy and there is something even more irritating about liberal self-righteousness – because they should know better.

4. As my friend Alex pointed out – as a founder of an Internet genealogy company, I have a vested interest in the Earth being older than Biblical claims.

But… There are a bunch of religious nutters whose voice tipped the margins in an election and who don’t exactly refrain from invoking Godwin’s law either. And they are trying to mess up what I get to watch on telly.

My main problem with the religious right is not that they are unscientific; it’s that they are so inartistic, unspiritual – I can’t think of anything less soulful than modern Christian music, and protestant church architecture has reduced cathedral splendor to the monotony of suburban track housing.