Would capsules of pig fat in plane seats deter an Islamic Fundamentalist suicide bomber?
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors of War (Pershing the Thought)
The logic of an irrational deterrent, such as pig fat, which is really an imaginary weapon unless god is a nasty piece of work himself, seems at first glance to be less of a moral dilemma to me than other inevitable anti-muslim stereotyping and encroachment on civil liberty that a less stable society brings with it.
However, I suspect that, because religious beliefs are irrational, they are actually based often on subconscious convenience.
In other words, if being covered in pig fat prevented you from being a martyr, the belief system of people who conveniently distort the very nature of a loving god by killing in his name would evolve around this inconvenient fact and it would only be a deterrent against the majority of moderate muslims – who would be the recipients of prejudice.