You cannot be a Republican and pro-life

Posted by | March 31, 2005 | religion | No Comments

I have nothing against the notion of pro-life, I am an atheist liberal who is pro-choice, who admired Mother Theresa.

Mother Theresa practiced what she preached. She said that she would personally look after any child brought to her that would have been aborted.

I would not ask everyone who is anti-abortion to become Mother Theresa, however I would say that they are immoral if they do not also support raised taxes and a larger welfare budget. You cannot be a Republican and pro-life.

Sadly, issues promoted by most pro-lifers cause more people to die.

Pro-life means ‘erring on the side of life’, unless it means killing people guilty of pre-meditated killing – by means of pre-meditated killing.

Pro-life means no abortion, but it does not mean raising taxes and providing welfare to keep abandoned or neglected children alive.

Pro-life means spending money to keep people alive using a feeding tube but it doesn’t mean spending money feeding helpless millions.

Pro-life means supporting missionaries migrating to South America to urge against contraception but it does not mean supporting immigration to North America when resources are no longer enough to support large populations.