
Posted by | October 01, 2003 | rss | No Comments

Nick Bradbury’sFeedDemon is very nice.

The 3 pane interface is clearly the way to go for RSS reading.

What’s really interesting about FeedDemon however, is that it is basically an RSS enhanced browser rather than a separate app. admittedly the distinction is blurred, but seeing FeedDemon does lead me to believe that RSS features could become standard, collapsible components of a browser.

When the joint Moreover/Blogger tool Newsblogger launched, it had a similar 3 pane view, but was definitely an online app. Blogger then decided to make it function through an Explorer bar in IE, which is more similar to the path that FeedDemon is going down.

There are four types of aggregator: online (Bloglines); separate app (Newzcrawler, Newsmonster, Amphetadesk; Netnewswire); enhanced browser (FeedDemon); and enhanced email app (Newsgator).

Until now, I was convinced that the online approach was best, but I’m not so sure.