RSS resolution

Posted by | July 18, 2003 | rss | No Comments

For the record, I am onboard with Dave’s move to take RSS to the next level and appointing Brent Simmons and Jon Udell to an advisory board. At some point it would be good if this went through a standards organization like the W3C, however. I would suggest that it would be good if all RSS development focuses around a 2.0 core and that the developer community focus on RSS modules on the one hand and a message wrapper for RSS content based upon weblog API’s on the other. With this any RSS 1.0 community work or Atom (Echo) work should fold into this arena.

RSS 2.0 meets the requirement that I see as key (extensibility through modules) and any fragmentation of effort will be counter productive.

There is plenty of work to do with defining modules and message wrappers – and to that I would add ‘ping’ server architecture, where the value of real-time information will demonstrate what a weblog published/RSS syndicated model can do what current search engines with nothing fresher than 15 minutes cannot – a Reuters for everyone.

Technology at Harvard Law: Advisory Board