This month’s Skeptic column in Scientific American elegantly debunks Bible Code claptrap.
One of the things that Shermer points out in the article is that a ‘prediction’ is a statement that something will happen in the future. To look at something written in the past and say that it could possibly be restated to fit something that has already happened is not a prediction. The Bible Code did not ‘predict’ anything, but with a suitably contrived descramber it can ‘postdict’ almost anything, true or false, sense or nonsense.
Following the success of Bible Code I comes Bible Code II, such is the power of the parasitic meme. This is bullshit that people want to believe, but no matter how hard they try to, it will always provably be bullshit.
Via Boing Boing: Scientific American: Codified Claptrap — The Bible Code is numerological nonsense masquerading as science