Search engine statistics

Posted by | July 16, 2003 | search engines | No Comments

Andrew Goodman deconstructs the latest search engine stats:

Google Sites 32%
Yahoo! Sites 25%
AOL Time Warner 19%
MSN-Microsoft Sites 15%
Ask Jeeves 3%

“Since Google powers both Yahoo Search and AOL Search, if you assign the lion’s share of searches on those portal properties to Google, you arrive at the conclusion that Google might be powering 60-70% of all online searches.”

The searches numbers are almost irrelevant, however – Google won’t have a deal with Yahoo forever, and it won’t be getting any ad derived cash, so the paid search (Adwords etc.) numbers are more interesting:

Google Network 54%
Overture Network 45%

As Andrew points out, are Findwhat and Looksmart really just a rounding error blip? Something weird here.

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