Down the Youtube

Posted by | April 12, 2006 | technology | No Comments

Valleywag: Gizmodo talks to YouTube:

“Q: Facebook just turned down a $750 million offer, saying they were seeking $2 billion. Do consider yourself a million-dollar-kind-of guy or a billion-dollar-kind-of guy?

A: What we’re really committed to is providing the best experience, and we’re not really thinking about what we’re worth. We’re just viewing this as solving a really hard problem and that’s how to distribute video in an entertaining way. So as we move forward, we’re just going to stay committed to that”


‘Look we’re a one show (America’s Best Home Videos) product with clips we didn’t secure the rights for. We can’t talk money till we make sure we’re not just a free version of Akamai.’

But hey, users are everything, right? Yes if you are Google, and Overture’s business model rains greenbacks out of the sky like an endless ticker parade. No if you are Napster and you are just being crapped on.

It’ll be interesting to see if the sky turns green or brown for Youtube.