Enterpise software sucks.

Posted by | December 18, 2003 | technology | No Comments

Salesforce.com files for IPO

After ditching its Salesforce.com rival, Sales.com, Siebel is now doing a complete U-turn with its own Salesforce-like ASP tool.

Call me old-fashioned but most Enterprise software seems to suck. When will it go the way of mainframe computers?

The whole notion of spending millions for software that is ‘bespoke’ tailored to your needs, but requires you to do that tailoring yourself for more millions, based on a Return On Investment that has a minus sign in front of it, seems like, well, old-fashioned.

The tool I am using to write this is a more elegant solution to web publishing than the raft of Jurassic CMS systems that are waiting for an enormous meteorite to hit them.

ASP software is a car and enterprise software is a steam train. When the .com bubble burst people tried to make steam driven cars out of the remnants and that was daft.

Too many metaphors, but you get the drift.

Go Salesforce!