Google pitches Yahoo ads by mistake.

Posted by | June 08, 2005 | technology | No Comments

This is funny on so many levels.
A Google Adsense rep calls me today to pitch some form of customized Adsense for Wists. He then sends me an email saying:

“Here’s an example of how is using AdSense: (you may need to hit refresh to see the ads load)”

1. Flickr was bought buy Yahoo and now has Yahoo ads.

2. Who in their right mind refreshes a page just so they can see ads.

3. Why pitch something with an example where it is broken.

Caveat: I hope this doesn’t get anyone in trouble – its obviously a harmless error.

[update: seems like they are in the middle of the switch, so depending on the number of times you refresh the page (not exactly normal behavior), you get either: no ads, Google ads or Yahoo ads. No less stupid, however]