How the Semantic Web Will Really Happen

Posted by | October 23, 2003 | technology | No Comments

Kendall Grant Clark: A Web of Rules

“if the Semantic Web is to happen, it will be because of a loosely coupled collaboration between three communities: the academics, the industrialists, and the hackers. This view gives me some pain, however, since the hacker community (by which I mean people who develop open source software for fun and for profit) is perhaps the one least engaged in the Semantic Web effort.”

“There are some obvious inflection points at which hackers are engaged with the Semantic Web; these points include FOAF, RDF, RSS 1.0, and n3. By and large, however, the hackers are not engaged with the Semantic Web effort and, more to the point, it hasn’t yet generally ignited their technical imagination.”

Even if the “hackers” aren’t involved in the formal semantic web effort, my guess is that this is where it will evolve in a ‘survival of the fittest’ fashion rather than by committee.

Weblog publishing tools and weblog analysis tools are moving towards the idea of the semantic web as they extend away from journals and news, to other types of data such as job postings, reviews and classifieds.