I was in the downtown Apple store in NY on Saturday – and it was rammed, absolutely rammed…

Posted by | February 21, 2005 | technology | No Comments

Clearly Apple is doing much better having brought back the visionary CEO that they originally fired. And he was fired for exhibiting all the things that he is now lauded for: creating a culture based upon vision and uncompromising design.

The opposite of this is what is taught at business schools – i.e. to create a culture of products based upon understanding the market, rather than vision and innovation.

Apple is a great vindication of ballsyness rather than MBAness. Jobs is our generation’s Frank Lloyd Wright.

That Apple is doing well is also a great vindication of everyday people over faceless corporations. When companies buy laptops they buy boring thing like Dells on the assumption that they are reliable, not Apple’s which look too flashy. What Apple owners know is that their product is plain better.

So Jobs is a star and Fiorina out to pasture. Perhaps there is a god after all – and perhaps Microsoft and Oracle which currently offer substandard or over priced products that companies seem to like, are in for some trouble.

But with the rebirth of Apple something more fundamental is up – people rather than companies are in control. Individuals dictate the marketplace and innovation in tech, – with media PC’s, iPods, cellphones and personally owned laptops. And people clearly have more individuality and taste than companies.