It doesn’t matter why Google bought Blogger

Posted by | February 24, 2003 | technology | No Comments

Until last week I used to wince when I used the word weblog to people I wanted to evangelize them to – particularly people like VCs.

The problem was that a non-technical explanation lead down the path of trying to justify an online diary as something of earth shattering significance.

Google’s purchase of Blogger changes everything. In this sense, it doesn’t matter why Google bought Pyra, but they did, and it helps justify the argument that weblogs are important.

In fact not only does it help, but the Google acquisition helps weave together the perfect story. Google is about search on the web done right, weblogs are about publishing on the web done right. Together they create the web’s basic Input/Output. I can now say that with a straight face in a meeting. Much more than online diaries then, but they’re fun too.