Much improved bookmarklet – Wists, new features

Posted by | March 08, 2005 | technology | No Comments

Thanks to some fantastic work by Adam Michela at Axentric, there is a much improved ‘add to Wists‘ bookmarklet which can be installed from here, or reinstalled via the help menu in Wists.

The new ‘wistlet’ has the following features:

Now grabs CSS background images.

Removes duplicate images.

Allows choosing a thumbnail screenshot of the page itself, if you don’t like any of the images shown.

Best of all, it is remotely updatable – so we will be able to add new features with you having to re-install.

NB: the new bookmaklet works with most browsers and versions, except for Safari – the original bookmarklet is still available via the Wists help menu, for Safari users.