“Cosmopolitan is the most agressive soft porn magazine in America”

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When I got home this evening, my wife was all happy because she had made a CD for a work colleague’s parents. They had to be conferenced in on a call so they could play a sample to find out who a song was by, they liked it so much. Whereas I had been writing the misanthropic anti-religious rant below. Sometimes I am such a miserable git. So I’ve put a strike through the post – and am listening to the CD, and its making me happy. When others do stupid things in computing people say RTFM – read the fucking manual. For some people the bible is their manual but they clearly haven’t read it. CNN has a piece on mutual funds run by religious extremists which pose as ‘socially conscious investing’ a phenomenon which originated with anti-Apartheid groups. These funds, such as the Timothy Plan, have strange priorities….

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Atheist bashers – study shows that atheists are America’s most hated minority

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More evidence that religion in America is a potentially dangerous disease: “Today’s atheists play the role that Catholics, Jews and communists have played in the past they offer a symbolic moral boundary to membership in American society” “From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in

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V for Vendetta

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V for Vendetta will have Fox Newsites foaming at the mouth, their legacy as bitparts in a modern day Dr. Strangelove. And the challenge – that there is no such thing as a freedom fighter, on the same weekend that Gerry Adams dines at the White House. link » tags: [movies] posted via Wists: permamark

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Libertarians are wusses

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Boing Boing quotes Alan Moore (Creator of V for Vendetta) as saying that the real polar opposites in politics are not right or left but fascist vs. anarchist – i.e. how much government you have. This clearly does make the political scale less abstract, but the problem is that Anarchy is by definition not really a political stance but an apolitical one. As another web bubble brews, there was a definite Libertarian smell in the atmosphere at South by Southwest. By any logical definition of anarchy, Libertarianism is just an erm ‘politically correct’ term for anarchy. On the right Libertarianism is pretty simple – its about gun nuts. But it seems that on the left, Libertarianism is often the choice of former liberals who have made lots of money and choose a cause which allows them to support rights which don’t cost them anything. For ‘Liberaltarians’, supporting the right to…

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Moon (data)Base – the Internet Archive on the Moon

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Most of all the species that have ever existed are extinct and it is certain that human beings will also one day be extinct, or our current cultural history lost through a Dark Age, most probably accelerated by our own doing. In the spirit of the Internet Archive and the Long Now project, perhaps we should look at mothballing human knowledge somewhere very safe – like on the Moon. A reverse of Arthur C Clarke’s ‘The Sentinel’ – where we put a monolith on the Moon for others. It seems like a text only archive would be around 30 Terabytes which could be stored in solid state form in a space the size of a large chest. I wonder how much this would cost, what the requirements would be to protect against radiation and whether a solar powered transmitter could be built to last for an extremely long time? I…

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