what is the most valuable weblog?

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Well there are several possible measures (and one very interesting candidate): offline recognition (i.e. PR exposure, number of mentions in news articles), traffic/reach, (Alexa rank), popularity amongst Bloggers (Technorati 100), hybrid measure of online popularity (Google Pagerank). The interesting thing is that there is no clear winner amongst these measures and that although there are similar rankings for top weblogs accross the board, there is one clear winner for Pagerank. It beats the Gawker media sites and Boingboing and Scripting with a Pagerank of 9 – PVRblog PVRblog also has the biggest gap between Pagerank and Alexa rank. These stats demonstrate something interesting – perhaps PVR blog shows the perfect scope for a vertical market weblog with maximum Google exposure for its traffic. I’m not entirely sure what this means, the difference should either disappear over time as a Pagerank of 9 drives more traffic and thus boosts Alexa rank…

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Real-time news

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“By the time Kerry announced the news in person at a Pittsburgh rally 45 minutes later, Democratic and Republican Web sites were ready with dueling videos, fact sheets and statements. But they were all 12 hours behind the air-travel Web site USAviation.com, where on Monday night a visitor wrote that John Edwards decals were being fitted to Kerry’s campaign plane in a Pittsburgh hangar.” CNN.com – Edwards news was on Internet first – Jul 6, 2004

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Orkut’s massive Brazilian following

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Any Techno-epidemiologists out there who know what the trigger was that made Orkut so big in Brazil? Was there a ‘Typhoid Mary’ somewhere in Porto Alegre, a massively connected maven that managed to create a tipping point for an entire community to adopt it? Porto Alegre (6985 members) New York (1762 members) orkut – communities – list

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Google introduces Adsense banner ads.

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Google has recently introduced banner ads for their adsense program, so perhaps all the talk about how text ads perform better is not true. You could argue that banner ads are a different thing, that they are richer media and thus brand advertising. But the difference is that Google’s image ads do not pay publishers on an impressions basis, but for clicks, just like current contextual text ads. Adwords works. People click on text ads which are relevant to a search because they are actively looking for something. But perhaps when ads are served alongside static content, the conversion rate is lower, and perhaps people are starting to ignore them now that the novelty has worn off. So maybe in your face image ads are back, for good reason. The problem for Google is that image ads are not only ‘in your face’, they are very much in the face…

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Evil toys that control your kids minds

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“Just because kids like him, doesn’t mean that he’s good for them. How many parents plop their kids in front of the tube and then have their brain sucked right out of their skull by this big purple beast. Next thing you know, the kids love Barney more than their own parents. Barney doesn’t teach kids how to deal with reality. Dad wrecks the car and Mom loses her job and Barney solves all of this by singing a happy song.” eBay item 5904745417 (Ends Jun-26-04 21:41:41 PDT) – Barney ActiMates Complete TV & PC Pack Annoying Box via Who Would Buy That which is still my favorite website.

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Disposable Instant Messenger

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Chatango is an instant message application that allows people to post links on Craigslist, Ebay etc. and have people chat anonymously with sellers with no signup. If you have trouble using IM with people behind corporate firewalls, Chatango will work. Signup, grab your username before anyone else does and send someone buried behind a firewall a link in an email. Its a new product, rough around the edges, but looks like there is quick, free alternative to the enterprise dodads like Liveperson. http://david.chatango.com Disclaimer: I helped Alec, the guy who did this, with some product design.

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Spamblogging. Penis enlargement website a marketing scam?

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Do Penis Enlargement Pills Work? is a weblog that has been aggressively linked to recently. Ostensibly it is a personal account of a guy from New York trying the type of product that is normally advertised in spam email. I’m fairly sure this a new type of marketing scam, a ‘Spamblog’, a fake personal blog designed specifically to drive Pagerank and visitors to a product? The evidence: 1. Only two products are mentioned throughout the blog. 2. They are mentioned too often and the links seem too judicious to be real. 3. The discussion of the results of the product are wholly positive (and this stuff is snake oil). 4. Both products have similar websites and are clearly distributed by the same company. 5. The ‘about me’ seems to generic, this is not a real person. So there you have it, I guess there will be more of these types…

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San Francisco 2004 Masturbate-a-thon

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If you are at a loose end for something to do in San Francisco this Saturday, you could register for the 2004 Masturbate-a-thon. A Massmasturbate I guess. Half off if you’re participating in the Bay-to-Breakers! Masturbate-A-Thon 2004: Come for a Cause!

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Couleur Cafe

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Playlist from April’s Casanova lounge session: Uppers | Nick Rossi and David Galbraith @ The Turnaround, April 2004 Anyone welcome to show up for the next scintillating installment.

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