Trademarking search terms

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Many companies use the Google Trademark Complaint Procedure to stop competitors bidding on a company name or product. As this becomes more common practice it may hurt Google’s revenue potential and therefore, valuation. I wonder whether this leads to the possibility of people trademarking terms and expressions specifically so that they can use them within Google ads? This seems to raise a general issue. Given that a trademark is awarded within a specific industry, but a search term is not aware of the context e.g. a search for ‘Windows’ could be for building materials or for software. What is to stop people registering trademarks outside of their common use in order to block keyword searches? In other words, given that ‘Windows’ is trademarked, why couldn’t you trademark ‘blog’ as a type of candy and block anyone advertising against it regardless of the context.

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Creationist revisionism creeps into school textbooks

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Decisions in Texas next week over school textbooks could change the way the that science is taught in many US states. “Holt, Rinehart & Winston has submitted a change that directs students to “study hypotheses for the origin of life that are alternatives” to the others in the book. Students also are encouraged to research alternative theories on the Internet.” Seattle think tank behind Texas textbook challenge / Northwest -The Olympian

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Why Microsoft would be interested in Google

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Microsoft owns the desktop. At one time it owned the command line, the C:\ prompt, and now it must own the command line that connects away from the desktop to the Internet. This is the core of what Microsoft is about, its unstated mission statement, and this was why Microsoft had to react quickly to the threat posed by Netscape. Google owns the command line to the Internet and Microsoft cannot afford to concede that to them. That is why they may indeed have explored buying Google. Even if the reports of this are not true, as is probably the case, the rumor itself signals a warning shot that Google are on Microsoft’s turf and so perhaps lowers the price that they could buy them for post IPO. Google is set to battle two giants, Microsoft and Yahoo. Google have the brand, Microsoft the ability to put search directly into…

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The big bang was a whimper

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Big Bang was more of a hum “Analysis of radiation left over from the dawn of creation, estimated to be some 14 billion years ago, found the sound generated from shifting matter made a noise like ‘a large jet plane flying 100ft above your house in the middle of the night’… The professor had to scale the frequencies billions of times to make them audible – the frequency of sound waves at that time being too low to be heard.” “ 1. Do jet planes sound different at night? 2. Do jet planes that have their frequency shrunk billions of times sound like jet planes? 3. Do jet planes that are flying in a vacuum or a medium other than air, sound like jet planes?

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Ancestral maps of the US

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The Land Management Information Center has compiled a series of ancestry maps showing ethnic/national heritage for each US county, based upon data from the 1990 census. via Metafilter via Crabwalk. (Scroll down to “ancestry groups in the United Sates”) The data is not always what you would expect. For instance, the highest concentration of people of English decent is in Utah, and Irish ancestry is highest along the east side of the Mississippi.

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The origin of one nation under god

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Letter From America, The pledge of allegiance “…such was the fear of the time that from Moscow to Asia “godless Communism” might prevail. President Eisenhower, many public men and women, used that phrase over and over. And it was by executive order on Flag Day 1954 that President Eisenhower ordered the pledge now to read ‘I pledge allegiance to the flag’ and so on, ‘and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God indivisible.’”

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Fairly unbalanced Fox sues itself

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Fox’s Simpsons show ran a joke banner at the bottom of the screen: The cartoon ticker read: “Pointless news crawls up 37 per cent … Do Democrats cause cancer? Find out at … Rupert Murdoch: Terrific dancer … Dow down 5000 points … Study: 92 per cent of Democrats are gay … JFK posthumously joins Republican Party … Oil slicks found to keep seals young, supple …” But Fox news didn’t get the joke and therefore Fox threatened to sue itself. Doh! Murdoch’s Fox News in a spin over ‘The Simpsons’ lawsuit

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Why live in the UK?

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The main reason I don’t feel I need to live in the UK is that I can listen to BBC radio 4 all day via the excellent BBC radio website. Currently listening to BBC radio 4 piece on Cuba: “Havana must be a real student town, because there are pictures of Che Guevara everywhere”

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How not to end an IM conversation

Posted by | diary | No Comments

Why is it that in IM conversations some people stick to you like flies to the proverbial crap? New to IM Person: OK we’ll meet there Other Person: Cool, bye. [conversation is over in theory] New Person: Cheers see you then – its at 6 right?[nope, its started again. Rule 1. do not end with a question] Other Person: Yup, Cheers New Person: what do you think of Swedenborg’s Arcana Coelestia? [it was over, you should have stopped and you’ve started again. Rule 2. look for hints] Other Person: I think its total bollocks, gotta run New Person: Yeah I guess so, BTW, did we say 6?[GOTO line 2340, please sod off now. Rule 3. don’t ever read philosophers, they can’t write and they create more questions than people can answer – a bit like some people on IM] etc, etc.

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