Drudge switches sides on Global Warming

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… sound of sporadic popping of blood vessels from Redstate.com readers, accompanied by light banjo music: || RedState Summary of the argument against global warming from Redstate.com Its not true. Oh shit, it is true – then it has absolutely nothing to do with my fat-ass pickup truck. Paws off. Like the nice guy who used to work for Exxon explained, there is no link between tobacco and global warming. CO2 is not the problem because thats too complicated and requires math. Its gotten hotter because someone turned up the volume on the sun control. Oh shit – 99% of scientists say they have evidence that my fat-ass pickup is partly to blame. Scientists are all commies, so their views are political and therefore not scientific. We should only take science advice from people who sell fat-ass pickups becuase they are not commies and are therefore unbiased. Bush looks like…

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The universe is a giant clock just for humans

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Rooting around a nutty Christian website, which debunks UFO chasers with stuff that makes the maddest of the tin foil hat people look positively sane: Intelligent Life in Outer Space? “That’s right, one of the reasons that God made the Moon, solar system and stars was to provide a way for us to distinguish the passage of time (days, months and years) and predict the coming of seasons. Without these heavenly bodies, the job of keeping time and navigation would have been far more difficult.” So the reason for creating 99.9999999999999..99% percent of everything was so that the 0.0000000000000…001% have a wristwatch. Thats the best argument for a blind watchmaker I’ve ever heard.

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Time based permalinks for video

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An idea that my good friend Simon Perry had a while ago – provide inline links to specific points in video and you create the video web. Without time based web links into binary files, video would be like a web where text links were only to entire websites, not individual pages- useless. Official Google Video Blog: New Feature: Link within a Video

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New Googleplex is a Kindergarten

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Metropolis Magazine reviews Google’s horrid new offices. It takes the ‘working here is so much fun we’re so playful’ spin to its most simplistic architectural representation – bright colors and toys. All of these, of course, are a thin veneer over the reality – a strip lit, cubicle ridden, hell hole, like a parody of The Office. Google’s products are still failry sophisticated – I hope the office environment doesn’t rub off.

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How to get real results from Alexa

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Focus on ‘Reach’, use Rank anomalies, and the ‘geek factor’ for audience, to lower the reach figures to get the real picture for some sites. Many ‘web 2.0’ startups are likely to have a bunch of their own employees who have the Alexa bar installed and are feverish stats obsessives. For moderate ranked sites this can skew Alexa since their own traffic is a significant percentage of the overall number of Alexa users who hit the site. Fortunatley, you can actually use this to help correct the stats. Here are some rules of thumb I use to get better stats: 1. Ignore Page views and Rank, for sites that are not in the top 5,000. 2. Always monitor your own site, from a machine that does not have Alexa istalled then look at your site’s reach vs another’s reach and then your sites rank vs another’s rank. If there is…

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Conspiracy theorists on Google

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“If Google bought MySpace, it’d all of a sudden be waist deep in the content creation/publishing business” … oh, cummon. Its not like Google have avoided being in this business, ever, vis a vis Orkut and Blogger neither of which really played into a big strategy one way or the other. Just because Google doesn’t do something does not mean its a strategic move. Google do not have any plans to put a man on the Moon, as far as I know. Perhaps that’s because the online advertising industry isn’t big on the Moon. John Battelle’s Searchblog: Google Not Buying MySpace Was Not A Strategic Blunder

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