The universe is a giant clock just for humans

Posted by | July 21, 2006 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Rooting around a nutty Christian website, which debunks UFO chasers with stuff that makes the maddest of the tin foil hat people look positively sane:

Intelligent Life in Outer Space?

“That’s right, one of the reasons that God made the Moon, solar system and stars was to provide a way for us to distinguish the passage of time (days, months and years) and predict the coming of seasons. Without these heavenly bodies, the job of keeping time and navigation would have been far more difficult.”

So the reason for creating 99.9999999999999..99% percent of everything was so that the 0.0000000000000…001% have a wristwatch.

Thats the best argument for a blind watchmaker I’ve ever heard.