Parallels between evangelical Christianity and fascism

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The Toronto star carries an edited version of a Financial Times editorial on the threat of – Creationism’s assault on science The article points out a valid analogy. There is overwhelming evidence that the Holocaust was real, yet a minority of ideologically driven historians still deny it. The consensus amongst historians as to the reality of the Holocaust is statistically equivalent to the consensus amongst scientists in support of evolution, yet a particular sect of militant protestant Christianity, which is popular in the US and Brazil is enforcing the irrational belief of the minority on the majority. Sure, it can be argued that it is part of the scientific process to encourage debate and look at alternate theories, but some theories are better than others. Suspicion should be aroused when theories are in fact hypotheses masking as theories and when those hypotheses are things that are driven not by…

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Tagging and the Semantic Web

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Tagging Tagging, i.e. on-the-fly user generated keyword categorization looks like it is becoming the standard way to categorize weblog content, replacing things like fixed pre-set categories. In other words items are categorized at the point of posting, at the level of individual posts rather than according to a pre-existing taxonomy. Linkblogging and bookmarking In addition it looks like the there is an intersection between bookmarking and weblogging, where

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Sin City as compared to Nazi Propaganda

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Sin City is a well made adaptation, a blend of digitally enhanced comic art, Sky Captain style, and high contrast silvery tones, Leni Riefenstahl style. Unfortunately, it is as morally bankrupt as the work of the latter. Sin City creates baddies that nobody will defend, child killers and child rapists, complete with a nod to catholic priest involvement, and demonizes them to the extent that we are supposed to be entertained by the revenge that is coming to them. This is nothing new, although it does tend to be the terrain of low-brow film making such as ‘Death Wish’. The difference in Sin City, is that having been spurred on by the acceptance of caricature ultra-violence in Kung Fu inspired Tarantino films, Sin City chooses to linger on the elimination of the bad guys. In other words Sin City shows the bad guys being tortured to death. So here was…

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Pope Carol’s service

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A leader: who was not elected democratically, but by a group of unelected barons who was elected for life with no need for re-election of a country where : there is no separation of church and state, where the state is the church dies. And most politicians of modern democracies eulogise him, because the idolizing of this leader is such that many citizens of these modern democracies will do whatever this foreign, undemocratically elected leader says, despite the fact that idolitary is forbidden for the followers of this leader. Because people will naturally worship stars like the Pope and Britney Spears emotions may run wild when we criticise them, but exactly because the Pope was a leader, and particularly because he wasn’t democratically elected then his actions should not be above scrutiny or criticism . The late pope was objectively damn good at what he did, but despite the images…

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You cannot be a Republican and pro-life

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I have nothing against the notion of pro-life, I am an atheist liberal who is pro-choice, who admired Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa practiced what she preached. She said that she would personally look after any child brought to her that would have been aborted. I would not ask everyone who is anti-abortion to become Mother Theresa, however I would say that they are immoral if they do not also support raised taxes and a larger welfare budget. You cannot be a Republican and pro-life. Sadly, issues promoted by most pro-lifers cause more people to die. Pro-life means ‘erring on the side of life’, unless it means killing people guilty of pre-meditated killing – by means of pre-meditated killing. Pro-life means no abortion, but it does not mean raising taxes and providing welfare to keep abandoned or neglected children alive. Pro-life means spending money to keep people alive using a feeding…

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Tags and searching

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Having now looked at the way people are using tags on wists, it seems like the most useful way to avoid tag overload is to bundle tags into search so that search is the gateway to both full text search and tags i.e. tags are a way of narrowing down structured searches. This means that we can probably drastically simplify the Wists interface. Currently working on full layout control via the url so that you can create cut and paste javascript code to place Wists galleries on your site, rather like Flickr’s badges. More details on the wistsblog.

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Instructions on chopsticks

Posted by | trivia | No Comments

Instructions on chopsticks are always fascinating, but this was a classic: From disposable chopsticks in a Thai restaurant: “Welcome to Chinese Restaurant. Please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticke the traditional and trpical of Chinese glorious history and cultual” [sic]

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Wists and New York

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Having sold our cars and packed all our belongings into a massive truck we moved to NY this week. The curious thing is that it feels better to have a bag of clothes, a cellphone and a laptop and nothing else, which begs the question as to why I ever buy anything. Now that I’m here I’ll be working on Wists in earnest – have setup a blog: wistsblog and will be fleshing out faq’s and general Wists info, over the next week or so.

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