Delicious adds metatags

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From Joshua’s list, looks like delicious have added ‘metatags’. Although we implemented from get go in Wists – Joshua said that he had been thinking about this for a while – so is good news all round. Hopefully sharing metatags amongst multiple systems will be good for everyone, since its looks like some standard metatags such as location= are emerging. Delicious continues to rule!

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Much improved bookmarklet – Wists, new features

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Thanks to some fantastic work by Adam Michela at Axentric, there is a much improved ‘add to Wists‘ bookmarklet which can be installed from here, or reinstalled via the help menu in Wists. The new ‘wistlet’ has the following features: Now grabs CSS background images. Removes duplicate images. Allows choosing a thumbnail screenshot of the page itself, if you don’t like any of the images shown. Best of all, it is remotely updatable – so we will be able to add new features with you having to re-install. NB: the new bookmaklet works with most browsers and versions, except for Safari – the original bookmarklet is still available via the Wists help menu, for Safari users.

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Hard C**k, Limp Bizkit, Lame Lawsoooot

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The really strange thing about the Durst scandal is that they are suing for copyright infringement for ‘linking’ – posting a link to something that may infringe copyright. So lets get this right, if that is indeed against the law then the everyday business of: Google Yahoo MSN er… the entire web, is illegal. Fred Durst Sues Over Stolen Sex Video – March 4, 2005: “the Limp Bizkit front man has filed a $80 million lawsuit against web sites that posted the footage and stills from the singer’s X-rated romp with a former girlfriend.”

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Wists new features – exploiting tags to improve a search engine – global search over users, tags and items

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We’ve added a global search feature to Wists. The search will look up users, tags and individual item titles and descriptions all at once – returning the results for each, separately. – So there are no parameters and advanced search settings. Again the rule is: have the user do the least work. Because tags tend to have multiple variants with the same stem, e.g. Lifehacker, Lifehacks, Lifehacking, Wists search will return everything starting with ‘Lifehack’. However, because people have tagged things separately you can still filter by one tag in particular. I can see that perhaps using search and tags with extensions to common word stems might evolve some interesting patterns. For example, if I wanted to start a list of restaurants for my friends I coud tag as ‘restaurant_dgfriends’ and filter by that in a search for restaurant. I’ll have to think about it – but the next step…

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If human population increases at the current rate – and we colonize other planets at light speed, humans will still all die this millennium.

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“Even if we expanded our domain at the speed of light – a pretty safe theoretical upper limit – and managed to colonize all available stars and planets within a sphere expanding at light speed, then, increasing our population at 2 percent per year, we will still run out of room and perish in our own wastes within the next millennium.” I was watching a Christian debate an atheist on TV recently. The Christian was against contraception on the grounds that it says in the bible ‘that we should fill the earth with all God’s glory’. Unfortunately the result of the attempt would either be an extinct earth filled with filth, or continuous war. Perhaps that’s what a glory hole is. Make love with condoms, not war. From Lonely Planets : The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life

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Yahoo Flickr acquisition

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Foremski ups the ante on the Flickr/Yahoo partnership rumor, suggesting that an acquisition is about to be announced. Silicon Valley Watcher: Scoop! SiliconValleyWatcher reports Yahoo is negotiating acqusition of Flickr

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