Washington Post: Philosophy and History are inferior to Biology and Physics?

Posted by | February 08, 2005 | darwinism | No Comments

‘Intelligent Design’ in the Schools (washingtonpost.com):

“Many school boards are arguing about whether to include “intelligent design” in their curriculums, The Post’s editorial said. If they are serious, the appropriate way is not to have scientists trying to discuss intelligent design in classes such as biology or physics…As the editorial said, such discussion is legitimate, however, in a history or philosophy class.”

Ford said – ‘history is bunk’. If you can relegate discussion of meaningless nonsense away from science to philosophy and history classes, then you prove him right.

(Oscar Wilde described fox hunting as the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable. My dad always describes philosophy as the unintelligible in pursuit of the unanswerable.)