We are not decended from chimps.

Posted by | May 20, 2003 | darwinism | No Comments

“Richard Dawkins perhaps provided the best visual for our link to chimps,” Fouts told Discovery News. “Imagine taking the hand of your grandmother, who was holding the hand of her grandmother and so on down the line. 155 miles out, one of the women would be holding the hand of a chimpanzee.”

This is not what Dawkins said and is complete BS. rather like saying “Imagine a chimpanzee taking the hand of her grandmother, who was holding the hand of her grandmother and so on down the line. 155 miles out, one of the chimps would be holding the hand of a human”.

Chimps and humans share a common ancestor, we are not decended from chimps any more than chimps are from us, but we share an ape ancestor.

Discovery Channel :: Study: Chimps Belong In Human Genus