Seven reasons why stretchy web site layouts are dead:

Posted by | February 13, 2007 | design | No Comments

Seven reasons why stretchy web site layouts are dead (in the manner of a post):

1. Although designed for the increasing plethora of screen sizes, few people open their browser fullscreen on a massive display, so you don’t need to design for that variety.

2. Most stretchy design templates behave in unpredictable ways for some content, making them look ugly.

3. Most stretchy designs allow for text that is unreadably long.

4. They are a way to show off technology (CSS) rather than make things ergonomic.

5. If something is right with a certain layout – stick to your convictions and make that option the default, thats what Apple do.

6. Imagine flexible layouts in famous paintings. Would Da Vinci have used fuzzy felts?

7. The Etsy guys recommend not to use them.