Charlton Heston’s fart

Posted by | October 28, 2002 | diary | No Comments

A couple of years ago I found myself in a large room in the National Gallery in London. The room was unusually empty except for a tall middle-aged man who was standing next to me, looking at the same painting. I was suddenly overcome with the smell of putrefying flesh and Sulphur as he broke the golden rule of farting (don’t break wind when there are less than three people in the room). I glanced round and it was none other than Charlton Heston, the star of ‘A Touch of Evil’, he blushed and promptly made a swift exit.

‘From my warm moist…’

So I finally went to see ‘Bowling for Columbine this weekend, and sure enough Heston himself appeared on the silver screen holding a rifle and bellowing ‘from my cold dead hands…’ – and a curious thing happened, I could have sworn I smelled putrefying flesh and Sulphur.
