Follow Max Blumenthal and write to the FCC

Posted by | May 03, 2005 | media | No Comments

What is acceptable on TV:

a.) A nipple – not actually visible, but it’s shape visible through clothing.
b.) Two people re-enacting creating life in a loving manner – fictionally.
c.) Minor swearwords.
d.) Encouraging violence and hatred. Racism, homophobia, misrepresentation and extortion.

Answer d.)

And for this madness, Max Blumenthal encourages people to complain to the FCC about a specifically odious example.

At the moment 90% of FCC complaints come from one organization on the lunatic fringe. If Max can encourage enough bloggers to write to the FCC, at the very least it will help redress the balance.

It may even help the FCC re-address how they deal with the fact that their complaints currently come from a minority group and therefore their guidelines do not reflect the ‘true moral majority’, the mainstream of America which is largely benign and moderate.

Here is where you file complaints. Complaints can be via email

via Jeff