Bush picks his favorite blog…

Posted by | March 28, 2007 | politics | No Comments

Its pretty amazing when you come accross something you actually know a little about, how you discover how naive a supposedly slick PR machine is.

Today Bush cited ‘Iraq the Model’ as an example of success in Iraq – because there are bloggers you see.

Some time ago I added 20 or so Iraqi Bloggers to my RSS reader. About a third of them have since fled the country, a third have disappeared and the remainder are a woeful tale of human misery and sufffering, leaving a sample of 1 – Iraq the Model.

In fact Iraq the Model is the potential online equivalent of ‘Mission Accomplished’, something championed too soon that could go the other way. Carl Rove is not so much a genius (an incumbant Republican sock puppet would have won after 911) but a rather out of touch ‘spinster’.

Bush Cites Upbeat Bloggers From Baghdad