Drudge Report and anti-global warming stories.

Posted by | February 05, 2007 | politics | No Comments

There are currently 34,000 news articles in Google News warning of Global Warming, but Matt Drudge has found the one that doesn’t.

“Climatologist Calls Global Warming Fears ‘Greatest Deception in the History of Science’…”

That’s all fair enough, except that the article doesn’t seem to warrant the front page of one of the most widely read news sources in the US. It is written by Tim Ball, a former Geography professor who works for an anti-global warming consultancy that refuses to deny that it is funded by energy companies.

I have no problem with people denying Global Warming – I don’t believe in censorship and think that freedom of speech gives a greater chance of the truth. However, Tim Ball does believe in censorship, or he would reveal the source of his backers.

My main problem, however, is Drudge, who through ultra selective reporting also believes in censorship. Reporters in the US have to be very professional and fact check almost everything they write. Aggregators like Drudge don’t have such restrictions, if Drudge were a real journalist, he would be out of a job.