(M)ann Coulter

Posted by | August 07, 2006 | politics | No Comments

The National Review has a list of the most harmful books of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Its next to an ad for Ann Coulter’s book, so these guys are clearly literature experts.

(Its a little known fact that (M)Ann Coulter is actually a drag act – check out the give away jaw line.)

My top ten most dangerous books, period:

1. The Tanakh
2. The New Testament
3. The Koran
4. Mein Kampf (these guys can’t have a monopoly on it)
5. Atlas Shrugged
6. Pedigree Dogs
7. The Art of War
8. Barbara Cartland’s Book of Etiquette
9. High Availability MySQL Clusters for Absolute Beginners
10. Grimms Fairy Tales