The Boston Tee-Hee Party

Posted by | February 02, 2007 | politics | No Comments

The Boston Tee-Hee Party

The Mooninite bombscare gets more and more surreal by the minute. It’s rather like someone had decided that traffic lights look like bombs, in the manner that one of Oliver Sacks patients famously mistook his wife for a hat, but because bombs are more serious than hats we have to take it all seriously.

Yes all bomb scares have to be taken seriously, but everything does not seriously constitute a bomb scare, or we would have no resourses to deal with bomb scares. Mad people are always warning about bombs and the end of the world and imaginary demons, part of the role of authorities is to filter out mad people that think everything is suspicious.

Things that do not constitute suspicious devices, include traffic lights, lamp posts, blinking movie signs and the same blinking street art that has been in NYC for more than a month before someone in the Boston mistook his wife for a hat.

Equally weird is the way the ‘must treat anything that has invoked the word terrorism seriously, however spuriously’ meme spreads into other aspects of the story, such as the po-facedness of the reaction to the bird flip, which is blurred out on TV coverage, lest it offend the people who couldn’t be exposed to Elvis’ pelvic wiggle.

To illustrate this stupidity, I’ve created a side by side comparison of the Mooninite figure as compared to a religious icon holding up a cross. If anything the Mooninite is a much more convincing cross bearer than bird flipper. I doubt we would censor the cross, even although it ironically represents a genuine instrument of Roman terrorism, rather than a naughty gesture.