What makes the ‘great recession’ seem irrelevant?

Posted by | December 11, 2008 | politics | 3 Comments

A five degree climate change would have the potential to wipe out the majority of all humans, all mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, insects, plants, single-celled pond life and Wall Street Journal Op-ed readers. It would make the terrible consequences of the current economic meltdown pale into insignificance.

This is fact, according to scientists, and opinion according to the WSJ. But it is a fact nonetheless, so how do we prove it? Simple: that event already happened with the increased CO2 and resulting global warming at the Permian-Triassic extinction, 250 million years ago. We can read about it in the stone tablets of the fossil book.

The potential threat of human created, global warming is a fact according to the mountain of evidence and scientific consensus, but opinion according to the current US government and Energy Secretary, Sam Bodman. In addition, we are in the middle of a die-off, let alone recession, with the ongoing rate of species extinction being greater than at the P-T boundary.

Against this background of intransigence, ignorance and incompetence Obama’s rumored selection of Noble Prize winning physicist, Stephen Chu, as Energy Secretary would be the single most important appointment in a generation. It is as if the Papacy had yielded to the greater wisdom of Galileo.


  • Eric Shapin says:

    Human-induced global warming is not fact. Recall that the earth has cooled and warmed numerous times, all without human intervention. Tell me, did you not learn that much of our country was covered in glacier a mere 10,000 years ago (this did create our great lakes). Think a minute: Eric the Red and his Viking cohorts settled Greenland and farmed in the 900’s AD, an impossible feat in today’s Greenland. In the 1200’s, wine (grape growing) was in important industry in England; again, impossible today.

    So now I am to believe that climate change is all “my” fault, given the constant flux of the earth’s climate over the millenia? You speak of the Permian Triassic period climate change and atmospheric carbon correlation, yet there is ample evidence that THE CLIMATE CHANGE PRECEEDS THE CARBON CHANGE; IT DOES NOT CAUSE IT!

    Notice that few if any news organizations or politicians bother to tell us of the numerous examples of naturally-induced climate change; it would spoil their thesis that we need a massive governmental regulatory assault on our lifestyles.

    Please do not fall for this scam. Approach it with a skeptical eye, as one should when one hears panic, theory, and a plan to fundamentally reorganize our industry and lifestyle.

    PS – Many scientists do NOT agree with the notion of human-induced climate change.


  • […] David Galbraith’s Blog » Blog Archive » What makes the ‘great recession’ seem irrelevant? A five degree climate change would have the potential to wipe out the majority of all humans, all mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, insects, plants, single-celled pond life and Wall Street Journal Op-ed readers. It would make the terrible consequences of the current economic meltdown pale into insignificance. (tags: extinction) […]