Oscar night Catch-22

Posted by | March 15, 2003 | predictions | No Comments

Here’s a prediction: someone will say something overtly political at tonight’s next week’s Oscars causing a huge outburst of feigned surprise. Here’s another prediction, if nobody says anything political tonight, calls of conspiracy and much thespian flapping will follow. It’s a bit like the celebrity Catch-22 below:

“Daniel Day-Lewis, Best Actor nominee for ‘Gangs of New York,’ described the Catch-22 that celebrities find themselves in — as they are constantly quizzed by reporters about their political views.

‘The media are sick and tired of people in my profession giving their opinion, and yet you’re asking me my opinion,’ said Day-Lewis. ‘And when I give it you’ll say, ‘Why doesn’t he shut up?””

United Press International: Analysis: Is a Hollywood blacklist coming?