Another kind of democracy.

Posted by | January 30, 2005 | science | No Comments

On a day when the government is preaching the values of listening to the people are they listening to the people who know, when it comes to the environment?

There is an additional kind of democracy, the democracy of ideas, the principal by which superstition or ideology or agenda is avoided by considering evidence.

Current evidence points overwhelmingly to the notion that Global warming looks real, but the evidence is being ignored, like so many ‘just a theory’ stickers peppered out by brainwashed zealots.

Bryan Lawrence quotes Science magazine on climate change:

There were 982 peer reviewed papers indexed by ISI with keywords climate change in the last ten years, till 2003.

75% dealt with the immediate threat of climate change.

Of these, NONE refuted the idea that climate change is real.

[NB, I was under the impression that the term ‘climate change’, like ‘death tax’ instead of ‘estate tax’ was largely pushed by the Republican party to suit their own agenda. climate change sounds like a normal state of affairs, as if the potential extinction of humankind were like a rainshower.]

(Bryan’s blog is the most interesting thing I’ve come accross in months, highly recommended).