Catastophic news for ‘ catastrophic news for environmental doomsayers’ ‘ proponents

Posted by | September 17, 2003 | science | No Comments

In 2001 the polar hole in the Ozone layer stopped growing

And in 2002 it actually reduced in size.

Normally rational people (heh! – I’ve waited a year for this) concluded that this was: “catastrophic news for environmental doomsayers”.

The trouble is that the Ozone hole is now getting bigger again and this year is at record levels.

Opinions can be swayed by emotional criteria – I want to debunk all conspiracy theories because I don’t like people whose judgements are based upon paranoia. There may be a certain irritating puritanism about some environmental issues – but to debunk any message because of the character of the messenger is dangerous.

Judgements are sound when they are based upon evidence – and there is overwhelming evidence that we are damaging our environment on a macro level.