Tivo wishlist

Posted by | February 07, 2004 | search engines | No Comments

TiVo and PVR wishlist:

1. All PVR’s are sold as commodity hardware with no signup or subscription fee or tie in to Cable or Satellite.

2. TV listings are provided for free by ad supported online services.

3. Opt-in targeted ads based upon your personal and viewing profile (with ability to remove items from viewing profile) are served alongside listings.

4. You have total control and ownership of your profile to block certain advertisers or limit your profile.

5. Either onscreen or via a webpage you can buy from ads based on what you have watched. For example if you watched a travel show about Hawaii you can choose special vacation deals from your nearest airport (you can store your zipcode in the profile), if you want to buy what they are wearing on Sex in the City (heaven forbid), then you can.

Basically I want to walk into a store buy a PVR with no signup and use a different company for free listings that serve the equivalent of search engine text ads but for TV.

Perhaps Google should think ‘inside the box’.