Ditching Tivo

Posted by | August 31, 2006 | technology | No Comments

The only channel I ever watch on TV is PBS. I ditched Cable, because the only channel I ever watched was HBO. I like the Tivo interface, but there is no way that I’m paying a rental fee or premium for TV listings, as a very occasional viewer. I also don’t have a land line telephone.

The Toshiba PVR with DVD burner, below is ideal – it gets free listings from TV guide, directly from within the channel 13 signal, so you buy it and stick a co-ax cable into it and you’re done. No signup with any service and no phone connection required. Works with Cable but not Dish services, if you are into paying a mortgage for TV. Cheap: $320

Toshiba | RD-XS35: Multi-Drive DVD Recorder with 160GB Hard Drive