Has Digg Been Hijacked

Posted by | August 23, 2006 | technology | No Comments

Has Digg Been Hijacked, by FUD

Today a largely factually based story with referenced quotes and run by the Associated Press, which was also reported in most US newspapers is flagged by Digg as potentially Inacurate.

I’ve noticed recently that a large number of political stories, particularly left of center ones, get slapped with the ‘Warning: The Content in this Article May be Inacurate” – Because enough people who want to deliberately create uncertainty in light of the truth, say so.

This is the way wikipedia does it, and to be honest, with no other option for wikipedia, it means that Wikipedia is largely useless and hopelessly banal for contentious political issues.

But news is not like Wikipedia – users are directly linking to a source not editing it. If people on the political fringes moan, that does not necessarily mean that the source is innacurate.

The Wikipedia reputation system does not work on Digg.

digg – “Bush Misled America” – John McCain