The massive need for micro payments

Posted by | February 10, 2003 | technology | No Comments

Nick Denton: Please please please will somebody, anybody, develop a usable micropayments system for the web.

Hear Hear!

If you had told me 5 years ago that we would still not have a proper Internet micropayments system, I would have assumed that the web must have failed to take off.

So who should provide micropayments now that the only likely candidate, Paypal, has been absorbed by a classified ads company? Perhaps the retail banks? Hell no – can you believe that these guys actually have services that allow you to create a paper check online and have it mailed to a creditor. This is as mad as having little people inside ATMs. Retail banks move a glacial speed in terms of technology. What we need are the real micropayments masters, the phone companies.

Pick up your phone and dial, and money drains out of your bank account, little by little, like sand in an hour glass. Rather than wasting money on 3G licenses, they should have assaulted the data market with what they do best – billing.