Wired, ten years after – Wireless

Posted by | January 14, 2003 | technology | No Comments

From the second issue of Wired in 93:

“There seems to be an unwritten rule nowadays that every product announcement must trumpet the fact that the new gizmo is, even if only in some minor way, wireless. We now have wireless mice, keyboards, modems, printers, and networks. The once-esoteric deliberations concerning radio bandwidth auctioning have become front page news in the Wall Street Journal. What’s strange is that there is no corresponding consumer clamor for wireless products. In fact, wireless keyboards and printers have flopped every time they have been introduced.”

It took 10 years, but as Jon Udell said in December, Wi-Fi was the story of the year (oh – and Bluetooth can deal with the other bits and bobs, printers and the like).

Perhaps Wired should think about a name change. – But they’re in NY now, so are probably more interested in what people are wearing this season.

Wired 1.02: Hype List